Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Detective Work

Hey y'all! (I'm adopting this saying from my southern roommate!)

In an earlier post, I mentioned the fact that everyone could tell I was American.  Confused, I began some detective work.  Are these Spanish people psychic?

That would be really cool, but unfortunately no.  After talking with some people, I've discovered some clues that highlight our "American-ness."

English.  Obviously a given!

But seriously, if I keep my mouth shut as I walk with friends, how do they still know we're American???

Our hair color.  The Spanish girls we've met here as well as my host brother have told my brunette roommate that she is still considered blonde.  So basically, the lighter the hair, the more foreign you look.

Ok, ok.  So what if you don't speak English and you have dark hair? Can they still tell you're American? YES!

How, you ask?

Space. No, not like outer space. I mean the space between you and the person you're talking too.  We Americans like our personal bubbles, so we've established a socially acceptable distance to place in between one another.  This way we don't ever come to close and make the other person feel uncomfortable.  Well, the personal bubble concept doesn't apply in Espana.

Therefore, a sure fire way to tell the difference between Americans and Spaniards: the distance in between them when they walk or talk to one another.

So there you have it ladies and gents, a part of the puzzle cracked.

How the Spaniards know we're American!

Hasta luego.

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