Sunday, March 25, 2012

"Merci Parrii"

8 a.m. Thursday, February 23rd. My eyes popped open minutes before the alarm sounded...
today is the day I leave for Paris, France 
This was my first trip out of Spain, my first trip I organized on my own, and my first trip traveling with Ryanair. Needless to say there were a few challenges. 

Challenge #1: Fit four days worth of warm clothes into a school backpack. 
                     Completed! The backpack was at maximum capacity, but I fit everything I needed into it! 

11:10 a.m.  Thursday, February 23rd.  
I was on the Renfe train with my three friends on our way to Malaga, Spain to pick up our flight to Paris.  Why go to Malaga first you ask? Because we thought it would be cheaper that way...
it wasn't. 
But don't you worry, we definitely learned our lesson.  

Challenge #2: Take as many modes of transportation as possible to get to Paris... 
We began our journey on a train to Malaga, then proceeded to take a bus from the train station to the airport (still in Malaga), then we took a plane to Paris, then picked up another bus from Paris' airport to the city, then hopped in a taxi to the Eiffel Tower.

Train ride to Malaga

We made it. We were in Paris, France!  After a lonnnnggg day of traveling, we made it and the twinkling Eiffel Tower made it all worth it. 

Oh, and don't forget our legs as the final mode of transportation to our very first hostel.  And, I mean, other than the whole "huts for bathrooms" thing, it was a pretty decent hostel.  At least breakfast was included, right?
And what better way to top off the amazing sight of the Eiffel Tower and the not so amazing sight of our first hostel, but with the best desserts France has to offer?! 

Can you tell I was excited?

8:30 a.m. Friday, February 24th.  
Truly immersing ourselves in French culture, we woke the next morning to croissants and jelly for breakfast.  I'm normally NOT a fan of croissants, but I had no complaints about FREE croissants. 

Friday was completely dedicated to sight seeing!  (I cannot express how unreal this experience was...I'm still pinching myself to make sure it was.) 

We began at the mini statue of liberty. 
"Why the heck does France have a mini statue of liberty?" - me 
"Because the statue of liberty was a gift from France. Didn't you know that?" - Kelsey 
"No! who knew?" -me 
"Uhmm, everyone! Haven't you seen National Treasure???" - Chelsea 

This conversation (more or less) is how I learned that the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France. Thank you Hollywood for educating my friends! 

From the mini Statue of Liberty we strolled down the Seine river and took in every sight we could. 
The Eiffel Tower again (duh),  Napoleon's Palace, and the Alexander bridge. 

Mini Statue of Liberty
Napoleon's Palace
Alexander Bridge
It seemed like everywhere we looked there was something beautiful to see! Paris by far is THE most beautiful city I've ever seen.  Yes, I understand this is a grand statement, but I completely back it up! 

14:00 pm Friday, February 24th.  Lunch time. 
When I think of French food, two things come to mind: crepes and escargot.  For lunch, we tried the former.  
I tried a typical lunch crepe: egg, cheese, and ham. If I'm going to be completely honest with you, it wasn't my favorite, but it was good. 

My very first French Crepe

After lunch... more sight seeing!!! 

The Opera House 

The Louvre. 

The Louvre is one of the most famous art museums in the world and home to the Mona Lisa. 
I bet you can guess what I'm going to say next... Yep, I saw the REAL Mona Lisa, in person, up close and personal!  
So I know what you all are thinking... Was it all you thought it would be and more? 
No, not really
It's much smaller than I imagined it would be.  And to be honest, I still have no idea why it's so famous?  And it's not just me. The super awesome French friends we made had no idea either. :)

Our French friends Matt and Marie
We didn't see much more than the Mona Lisa in the Louvre because its HUGE and extremely overwhelming.  Almost every inch of every wall is covered with art.  Basically, we didn't have the time or the patience. However, overall...
I was absolutely in awe I saw the real Mona Lisa with my own two eyes
And obviously, in awe that I stepped foot inside the Louvre. 

20:30 pm Friday, February 24th. Dinner Time. 
After the Louvre we wandered around looking for delicious, yet cheap food for dinner.  Quite an oxymoron when you think about how expensive Paris is! We settled for pizza and wine.

However, the highlight of the meal wasn't the food at all. It was the company.  An adorable British couple sat at the table next to us and before we knew it we were all chatting like we were old friends.  As the restaurant began to close up, we all decided to go to a bar for a drink.  We found ourselves entering an "Australian" themed bar!  Quite an interesting concept, huh?  The bar reminded me a little bit of Outback Steakhouse, only darker, louder music, and filled with French people.  

Anyway, we spent the evening laughing and talking with our new friends. Comparing and contrasting the cultural differences between England and America.
In other words: Bliss! 

This is what studying abroad is all about. Meeting people from all over the world, forming relationships, and learning! I couldn't ask for anything more!!!

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